Farming token

In order to become a farmer in a certain pool, you need to store a certain amount of Farm tokens in this pool or Liquidity Provider (LP) tokens of the corresponding liquidity pool.

LP tokens represent a liquidity providerโ€™s share of a pool. For example, if you contribute $10 USD worth of assets to a liquidity pool that has a total worth of $100, you would receive 10% of that poolโ€™s LP tokens. You receive 10% of the LP tokens because you own 10% of the crypto liquidity pool. The LP tokens become your claim to your share of the poolโ€™s assets. Holding these LP tokens gives you total control over when you withdraw your share of the pool without interference from anyone โ€” even the FlatQube platform.

In exchange for locking liquidity in the form of LP tokens in a farming pool, farmers receive a reward, depending on their share in the pool.

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