DAO page
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Welcome to the FlatQube DAO homepage.
Here you can find the main statistics, current and past epochs, as well as a list of farming pools, so-called candidates.
Also, this is the starting point for navigating to other pages of the Flatqube DAO, such as Epochs or Balance.
Let's take a closer look at all the elements here.
At the top of the page, general statistics is provided:
Total QUBEs locked - displays the number of QUBEs locked in the QUBE DAO contract.
Total veQUBE - the total number of veQUBEs.
Average locktime - the average time for which QUBE tokens are locked.
Percentage of total QUBE supply - the percentage of the total QUBEs issued. You can see the total supply issued here.
Below you can see the Epochs block. It displays the following information:
The current date and status of the epoch, as well as subsequent statuses and the time of their beginning and end.
Distribution - the total number of QUBE tokens for distribution.
Voted of total veQube - the number of veQUBE tokens that voted.
Total pools number - the number of pools participating in the voting.
Min weight - the minimum number of votes required to get into the distribution of awards.
Max weight - the maximum number of votes for one pool.
In the center of the block, you can see a graphical representation of the distribution of votes by currency pool.
Below is the list of previous Epochs:
Epoch number. Clicking on it will take you to the page of the respective Epoch.
Distribution - the number of QUBEs distributed by voting.
Total votes - the amount of veQUBEs used as votes in the voting of an Epoch.
Your vote - the number of your veQUBEs used as votes in the voting of an Epoch.
Period - the period of the beginning and end of an Epoch
At the bottom of the page you can see the list of candidates.
The Information about each candidate is displayed here:
Name of the farming pool
Current Status of the pool
TVL - the total number of dollars locked in the pool.
Average voting rate - the average percentage of tokens used by participants to vote for a candidate out of the total number of veQUBE used in the voting.
Last epoch voting rate - the percentage of veQUBE cast by voting participants to vote for a candidate out of the total number of veQUBE used for voting in the previous epoch.
Active epochs