
This smart contract is used for creating and deploying dex vault’s liquidity pool token and it’s wallets so it can change its state from pending.

Smart contract responsible for creating and deploying dex vault’s liquidity pool token and it’s wallets so it can change its state from pending.

Derives following classes and interfaces: ITokenRootDeployedCallback, ITransferTokenRootOwnershipCallbac


constructor(address token_factory_, uint128 value_, address send_gas_to_) public onlyVault

Based on parameters such as token factory address, deploy value and send_gas_to address fills the right and left root symbol data and deploys pending dex vault’s liquidity pool token smart contract.



function terminate() public view

Terminates deploy of the pending liquidity pool token and calls _onLiquidityTokenNotDeployed function



function onSymbol(string symbol) public onlyExpectedToken

Receives token symbol as a parameter, decrements pending messages and whether the sender is right or left root fills the root data with received symbol value and calls createLpTokenAndWallets. If the sender is not right/left root calls terminateIfEmptyQueue.



function onTokenRootDeployed(uint32 /*answer_id*/, address token_root) override public onlyTokenFactory

Receives answerId and token root address through parameters, fills liquidity pool token root with token root value, deploys empty wallet using the token root and vault address, fills the callback params and transfers ownership to the new liquidity pair address calling the transferOwnership function from the TransferableOwnership contract.



function onTransferTokenRootOwnership( address oldOwner, address newOwner, address, TvmCell) external override

Gets old owner address and new owner address through parameters and if the old owner is address of the DexVaultLpTokenPending smart contract and the new owner is dex pair address then token root ownership is delegated to the new owner address and deployed token root data (token root wallets, reserved initial balance, pair data configured…) is configured by calling DexVault’s onLiquidityTokenDeployed if not calls onLiquidityTokenNotDeployed.


Lp token and wallet


function createLpTokenAndWallets() private

Calling lpTokenSymbol gets the name of the symbol based on the right and left root symbol, deploys lp token calling deployLpToken, deploys wallets for left and right root and their vaults by calling deployEmptyWallet function.


function deployLpToken(bytes symbol, uint8 decimals) private

Takes symbol and number of decimals and deploys token calling createToken function of the TokenFactory based on the function (deployLpToken) parameters.



function deployEmptyWallet(address token_root, address wallet_owner) private

Takes token_root and wallet_owner addresses as parameters and based on those addresses deploys wallet calling TokenRoot’s deployWallet function.



function lpTokenSymbol(string left_symbol, string right_symbol) private view returns (string)

Creates liquidity pool token symbol based on the name of the left and right roots’ symbols and returns name of the lp token symbol.


Return Value:

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